The SEE project, led by Design Wales, has just launched the fourth edition of the SEE bulletin, the only publication entirely dedicated to discussing design and innovation policies and programmes across Europe and beyond.
Over the course of the SEE project, we have observed how the use of design has been evolving. More and more, we are seeing that design approaches are not only being applied to product development, manufacturing and technology, but to a growing array of other domains such as the public sector, social innovation and sustainability projects. This edition delves a bit deeper into how design techniques are being applied to specialist scenarios such as peace and security.
This issue includes:
- Research: Designing Programmes in Contexts of Peace and Security – Derek B Miller, Lisa Rudnick (United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research) and Lucy Kimbell (Saïd Business School, Oxford University).
- Interviews: Design Policy and Promotion Map with insights from Chile, Croatia, India and South Africa.
- Research: National Design Systems – Dr Gisele Raulik-Murphy (Design Wales, UWIC).
- Case Study: Design Advisory Service (Canada).
- Special Report: SEE Project Activities and Results.
- SEE Library: papers and documents related to design and innovation policies.
- Design Policy Conference: SEE project final conference will be held on 29 March 2011.
SEE bulletins are distributed to over 60 countries around the world and are available to download from www.seeproject.org/publications.
Don't forget we are still collecting signatures for the petition 'Design for Innovation in Wales', which is an output of the SEE project. Your signature is very important in generating attention at political level. To sign visit www.designwales.org.
SEE is a network of 11 European partners exploring how to integrate design into policy. The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the INTERREG IVC programme. If you would like to receive SEE communication in the future please email us at info@seeproject.org